Cyber Punk 2077 I sold 1,8 million or more

The CD project has released his 2022 plans for its 2022 plans with 2021 earnings announcements.

In 2021, the revenue of the CD project group is due to sales of Cyber Punk 2077 mainly with 888 million Zwati (about W254.4bn). The net profit of the period group is 29 million Zwati (about W59.8bn).

Adam Kiciński (Adam Kiciński) said that 2021 was the year of internal changes, and has been announced in gradually introducing agile methodologies to the development team for more agile and efficient development. He also said that it was also one of 2021 priorities to improve the game play of Cyber Punk 2077.

The first expansion, including the new story line in Cyber Punk 2077, will be 2023. Various DLCs continue to develop and release. Cyber Punk 2077 has conducted a large update, including the next February 1.5 patch this year, with eight updates that focused on gameplay improvements last year.

The partes that worked for internal changes were also disclosed. First of all, the Merasses, CDPR Vancouver supports the development project, and the Molasses Flood is working on a separate game based on one of the CD project franchises.

We also established two independent teams for two AAA projects, and we have focused on the welfare of the employee because of the controversy due to the controversy of the cyber punk 2077 development process, and gave the HR activity prioritized.

For the development team participating in the progress project, from justified after the release of Cyber Punk 2077, we participated in Cyber Punk 2077 support and the next generation of versions of Cyber Punk 2077 and the next generation of versions. Since December 2002, only half of the project, including the new game of the internal IP, has been participating in other projects.

The sales volume of Cyber Punk 2077 and three trilogy were also released. After the release, there was controversy, but Cyber Punk 2077 sold 18 million or more. The total sales volume of the three trilogy is 65 million or more, and the sales volume of 3: Wild Hunt is 40 million.

Future of Cyberpunk 2077 REVEALED! (Expansion, New Updates and More) In addition, it is also possible to add a single player mode to a more time-card game, and the long-term support for monster slales. Animated cyber punk with triggers: Edge Lunner is disclosed in the second half of 2022 through Netflix. The next generation of Wild Hunt's next generation version of Wild Hunt is continuing.

Meanwhile, the CD project has recently announced its partnership with the AC Games, and is planning to create new unreal engine 5.


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