Retro PC -style puzzle game collection Last Call BBS announced, and early access distribution will be started on July 6. Super Hard Core Puzzle Development Original Zach Tronics's Final Work

Developer Zach Tronics announced on June 16 the retro PC-style mini-game collection Last Call BBS. It will be distributed early on July 6 this year. Compatible platforms are also provided for PC (Steam) and PC Game Pass. This work is said to be the final work of the developer who has created a hardcore logical puzzle game.

LAST CALL BBS is a mini-game collection. In this work, the player uses a fictional retro personal computer called Z5 PowerLance. Dial up to the web forum Last Call Bbs. The forum distributes the pirated of the puzzle games by the manager named The Barkeep. Players can download such games and play on fictional computers.

This work includes eight mini games. The lineup is as follows.

20th Century Food Court ・ Food factory design puzzle. Players build a line to produce and send foods efficiently at low costs as low as possible. From the video, you can see a game play that connects the operators lined up on the shelf with a jump cable to build a system.

Steed Force Hobby Studio ・ A game that makes a plastic model of the fictitious popular anime STEED FORCE. It seems that tools such as nippers and tweezers can be used. In addition, fine coloring, such as painting and pin wash using masking tape, is also possible.

x'bpgh: The forbidden Path ・ A game that makes a statue of meat to get eternal life in a cursed world. It seems to be a unique worldview work like meat puzzle.

Sawayama Solitaire ・ Developer Zachtronics is also known for installing mini-games such as solitia in the development work. This mini-game seems to be such a new work of such a mini game solitaire. It is based on the Solitaire, a kind of crondyk, and is based on the ingenuity.

Dungeons & Diagramms ・ Tile-based dungeon logic puzzle. Players build a route over the dungeon and challenge all treasures.

Chipwizard ™ Professional ・ A game that uses wires, transistors and capacitors to design the integrated circuit. It seems to be a game and close to the CAD program.

Hack*Match ・ A mini game recorded in the past work EXAPUNKS. It is a simple but deep puzzle game that erases blocks of the same color adjacent. In addition, this work was literally NES transplant as a single game after crowdfunding, and the package version was also sold for a while by the developer. This time, Last Call BBS is a completely remastered version that can play a single campaign and local match.

kabufuda solitaire ・ Solitaire using a stock tag, a Japanese card used for Okochibabu. This is also a self-damaged work of a mini-game that appeared in the past work ELIZA by the developer.

All eight works are unique and very expert. While there are small works, there are some works that are comparable to one full game of the studio.

This work seems to be particular about high-resolution pixel art and FM sound source soundtracks under the concept that PC is still new and returns when it was exciting. There is also a story element that approaches the background of the Barkeep, the administrator of the Last Call BBS, and the background of the legendary manufacturer Sawayama Corporation that created a PC used by players.

The development of this work has released a number of hardcore puzzles games in addition to the above-mentioned EXAPUNKS and ELIZA. The gadget development game SHENZHEN I/O using assembly language has been created, and OPUS Magnum, which creates everything in alchemy engineering. Both works have a status of very popular to overwhelmingly popular status all over the Steam, and there are many fans. The developer tweet, which reported that this work would be the last work, has been sorrowful.

It is said that this work includes seven types of mini-games at the time of early access distribution, including more than 100 kinds of puzzles. At the time of official release, the usability and balance were improved based on feedback collected from players. It is said that additional new puzzles and mini-games are being considered. It seems that the early access distribution period until the official version is expected to be 1-2 months.

LAST CALL BBS will be distributed early on July 6 to PC (Steam) on July 6. Also provided for PC GAME PASS.
